lives and works in BERLIN / TOKYO

短編映画『ソコココ』 短編映画『ソコココ』 短編映画『ソコココ』

As a writer-director for the short film 「ソコココ」

ソコココ  Sokokoko 

Synopsis あらすじ 

In a dark basement, a shortsighted man lives in solitude. His monotonous life takes a turn when he meets a traveling knife sharpener, who sparks new insights. As he develops a mysterious connection with a young Chinese woman, he embarks on a journey that leads him to confront his sense of purpose and the fragile nature of society.

Director's Commentary 監督のコメント

I wanted to create a film that explores the meaning born from small everyday events and unexpected encounters. In this work, I used a distinctive space divided across two floors to experiment with how changes in one's living environment can alter the perception of familiar surroundings and relationships.

出演 Cast
狩生健志 Kenji Kariu
谷玥 (ゆえ) Gu Yue
バンビーナ炬燵   Bambina Kotatsu

撮影 Cinematography
篠田君明  Kimiaki Shinoda

助監督 Assistant Director
龍田哲郎 Tetsuro Ryuta

美術 Production Design
高木梨冴 Risa Takagi

録音 Sound Recordist
山下祐介  Yusuke Yamashita
藤澤悠人  Yuto Fujisawa

照明 Lighting
髙橋広  Hiroshi Takahashi
内山小太郎  Kotaro Uchiyama

スクリプター Script Supervisor
ジャッキー・コム  Jackie Comme

製作 Production
リョン・レッユン・ユキ  Leung Lik Yuen Yuki

撮影協力 Filming Cooperation
バレエスタジオ STAGE YOU  Ballet Studio STAGE YOU

脚本・編集・監督 Screenplay, Editing & Directing
カルン  Kalun Leung